Over the course of the years, I’ve shared how we’ve been increasing our spending with portfolio growth. Not unsurprisingly, this has garnered some criticism.

Statistically speaking, the 4% rule is flawed and is designed to fail! Scary!

This is a terrible idea! You are going to be begging for spare change when you are 80!

Increasing spending with growth is misguided and sharing this with GCC readers is irresponsible!

It seems that people interested in early retirement are a naturally conservative bunch.

My perspective, which I will irresponsibly share once again:

You will die before you run out of money.

You Will Die Before You Run Out of Money

Throughout the years of our early retirement and world travel, we have increased our spending by about 3x.

In the beginning years, we spent very little as we lived large in parts of the world where you can spend very little while living large. We were intentionally spending much less than 4% so our portfolio could continue to grow. It’s a core principle in our spending plan.

Funny thing, when you continue to LBYM so your portfolio can continue to grow, it sometimes continues to grow.

And when it grows, you can spend it.

Portfolio Longevity

For some time now, I have wanted to share a really cool retirement visualization tool. The following charts are all via the Post-Retirement Calculator on Engaging-Data.com. I use a 90/10 stock/bond portfolio with 0.05% expense ratio throughout.

Let’s say you robotically follow the 4% Rule as espoused in the Trinity Study, which states you can spend an inflation-adjusted 4% of your initial portfolio value every year for at least 30 years.

Historically, this had a ~96% success rate. In the worst of times your wallet would be empty. “Designed to fail” some people say.

30 Year Retirement – Red = Broke. Green = Not Broke – Source

The failure rate is higher if you intend to have a much longer retirement. Sometimes a portfolio survived for 30 years but not longer.

Some portfolios last 30 years but not 45 (X-axis extended) – Source

But, Other Income

As I explored in the post, Spending Future Social Security Income Now, receiving Social Security boosts success rates. More money is mo money. Even 25 years from eligibility, the effect is significant.

With average Social Security starting Age 62 ($1500/month) – Source

Begging for change will have to wait until at least Age 84.

Not All Success is Equal

Focusing on that slim sliver of red is a popular hobby. But what about all of that green?

Often times, spending 4% means spending too little. Whether this is the case or not is fairly clear within the first 10 years.

4 out 5 cases have 2x. 2 out of 4 cases have 5x. – Source

In 4 out of 5 cases, we will hit our 45th year of retirement with 2x as much money as we started with. In 2 out of 4 cases, we will have 5x as much.

Why die with an extra million or five, when you can spend some of it here and now? This is all that happens when somebody chooses to increase spending when the portfolio grows. No big deal.

One More Year Syndrome

If a 98% historical success rate isn’t sufficient, we could improve our chances by working another year.

In this chart, the success rate is improved to 99% by waiting for one year before starting to make withdrawals. This is about the same benefit as spending 1% less in years where the portfolio value is less than the starting value (Spending Flexibility = 1%.)

Is the improvement in success rate because we saved more? Because the portfolio grew while we waited?

Nope. It is because we die having enjoyed fewer retirement years and are one year closer to Social Security. (Start withdrawing from same portfolio value at Age 46 vs 45)

1 More Year – Source

I worked 3 years longer than necessary in order to be able to spend more later. It’s a fine approach. It boosts savings and increases future SS income.

Historically, to grow a portfolio from 25x target spend (4%) to 33x target spend (3%) took around 3-5 years, but as long as 11 additional years. The returns diminish quickly.

Longevity Failure

Speaking of death, this is where the Engaging-Data tool makes this whole early retirement thing real.

Where is the red failure line now? How much time should we spend focusing on it?

Til Death Do Us Part – Source


Early retirement is an inherently risky endeavor. Nothing is guaranteed.

There are certainly extenuating circumstances:

Maybe we will live longer than average.

Maybe we will have excessive health care or long term care expenses.

Maybe this time is worse than the worst time to retire in history.


But it is with 100% certainty that our time on Earth is short. (See how you will die.)

The thin red line of possible portfolio failure seems much less important from this perspective.

Enjoy the ride.


The 4% Rule is incredibly robust. Social Security makes it even more so.

If you are fortunate to be in the strong majority case where your portfolio grows 2x or 5x throughout life, there is no issue with spending some of that now. It’s fairly clear within the first 10 years if this is the case.

It is tempting to focus on the extreme nuances of a retirement withdrawal plan, trying to find the perfect solution.

But the future is unknown. It helps to view this from the perspective or our own mortality. We are far more likely to die rich than to run out of money.

Thank you to Engaging Data for making it possible to easily visualize the possibilities from this more human perspective.

To conclude, here are some immortal words from a legend who didn’t get to enjoy his own retirement.

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans
– John Lennon, amongst others

And an amazing music video

Do you realize
that everyone you know someday will die
– The Flaming Lips